Thursday, 4 November 2010

Did British culture just drop out of the sky? And as it changes dramatically is that a coincidence too? coming soon to


  1. Interesting stuff, so how do we do this? Do we embed ourselves into the structures? Do we lobby the movers and shakers?
    I expect some answers in your next post.

  2. Well yes, but by being salt and light, salt influences and changes things, light points in a direction or illuminates a way. MY thesis is that we do this by engaging tactility with the four legs that hold up culture namely Education, Business, Media, Politics. That's the outline but that can be enlarged a lot more.

  3. Beautiful thoughts, leading to a better understanding of God`s purpose and plans for this sick world
    Peter Bayliss

  4. Adrian i`m surprised at your thesis relating to this subject for i am sad that you of all people will have missed the crucial point. Like many animals we have indeed four limbs, using only two for our transport is not unique but what is almost unique is the tail, the 5th limb. Yet we too have a tail though small and unused so not so different from animals.

    So an extra limb must also be in your thesis, a tail whose purpose is to create balence, the human animal has reasoning which is the replacement (almost) to the tail but still needs a help with balence. That `balance` is found unique in the human being is a spiritual aspect, the awareness of God !

    This awareness, unique to man, is also a leg for us to stand upon. How we do with this aspect in life is again unique to us and indeed shapes our belief and behaviour. Hense i would declare that this 5th leg is also a factor in our lives so must not be forgotten but indeed emphasized for true value in our lives. Do you remember the old Ribbonnets song "...we not alone..."

    You thoughts though have made me rethink much, so thank you Adrian, just add to your thesis a 5th leg upon which we all depend even when forgotten or ignored.
    19 hours ago via · Like
    Peter Bayliss

  5. Well I suppose my thesis needs expansion which I do for Degree students and for councillors trained with BTI and CPCAB and then it becomes a CPD course, actually it take about 30 to 40 hours of study, so a comment on a Blog does not cut it, but My four legs are expandable so for example when I put the one word Media as an area of influence on culture, what do we mean by media I would argue, posters, newspapers the internet, the news, the TV Film, Theatre comedy and on and on and on, see what I mean...
