Adrian’s Blog
I just thought you might find it interesting to know a
little more about the Blog you read.
Why write a BLOG, and I guess that people do it for all
sorts of reason, to tell friends, to advertise their wares, to just put their
thought out there. I guess for some
people it’s almost therapeutic.
But for me, well yes I would like to put my ware out there,
I have six books I would like you to read, but that’s writing as well isn’t
it. I guess the real reason for writing
is that I want to see change in certain things.
I also think that I would like to use the words to make the world a
better place. I also actually like to introduce lots of people to ‘the Word’
because I know having met the Word, that it changes life, our outlook, our
culture perspective, and our value stem in fact everything for the better.
The other thing that I though you would like to know is who
reads this Blog, that is quite fascinating to me, I am sure you know that these
days with the internet you can track and analyse all sorts of things, and my
Blog is no exception. Here are some of
the interesting data to date, well I think it’s interesting anyway and I hope
you might too. As you would expect as I
live in the UK most readers come from that area of the world, on today
statistics it’s so far to date 1877 of you in the UK have had a look at
it. The next country, which probably
isn't such a surprise as we speak the same language and I have many friends
there, but I suppose what does surprise me is how many, as of today’s date the
stats tell me that in the USA 1409 of
you have taken a peek. Not so far behind
the UK.
What really does surprise me is
country number three and four a long way behind in terms of numbers but hay
welcome all of you from Russia, and South Korea who have had a look Russia is
189 and South Korea is 135. I would
really love you to click that comment button and just tell me what you
I will of course say thank you to those of you who have
joined my discussions and journey from Germany, Brazil, Slovenia, Slovakia,
Kenya, Taiwan, Netherlands, Norway, France and Switzerland. Thank you all for joining me and for reading
my comments, now all I need is for you to join the discussions. So far almost
5,000 have joined me at some point thank you for that.
It is also interesting to see what you are all reading, and
the stats tell me that the most read Blog is the one put up in October 2009 on
the subject of woman, and I didn’t even write that one baa! It was written by my good friend Dan Wooding
of Assist News Service, he is a professional news hound so I guess I am happy
that you like to read his stuff. For those who like tit bits, he was also our
best man when we got married. Check out
his news service at it is worth the time. It also fun to note that my second most read
is the one entitled Beer and bandits which I posted in May 2010 does that tell
me something about you or about what I write about?
I like the fact that you are still reading those Blogs that
I posted some time ago, again thank for that.
I could go on and tell you which search engines and what
referring sites you use, but I won’t enough already. Just to say again thank you, hope you enjoy,
and most of all I hope together we can effect change for the better. Don’t
forget would love to hear from you.
Adrian Hawkes
For Adrian Hawkes Blog
W. 677
Edited By: Technicolour
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